Dog Boarding in Abilene
At Abilene Animal Hospital we fully understand that your dog is much more than just a pet. In fact, for many Abilene families, your dog is a true member of the family. It is for this reason that holidaying without your dog can be such a difficult proposition for many Abilene families. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that many families or individuals often opt against taking an extended trip away rather than being apart from their dog for too long. While this is admirable and a personal decision to make, the fact is that there is a dog boarding service right here in Abilene which is fully equipped to take care of your dog’s needs while you are away. Being a responsible pet owner requires commitment. However, it also means being able to live a normal life. This involves spending vacations with friends and family. Don’t feel bad for this, instead choose Abilene Animal Hospital and allow us to cater to your dog’s needs while you are away.
Wide Range of Dog Boarding Options
At Abilene Animal Hospital we are firmly of the opinion that every dog is different and we tailor our dog boarding service to meet the individual needs of each dog that we look after. For some more confident and interactive dogs, the indoor or outdoor dog-run might be a good option. This wide and expansive run allows your dog the flexibility and freedom to move around at his or her own pace. It is also perfect for older and more experienced dogs to interact with others and we encourage all our dogs to participate in the many group walks and other activities that accompany this service option.
On the other hand, if your dog is younger and a little more introverted, then perhaps they may benefit from our customized dog condos. These condos offer privacy for a dog that may be more content in his or her own company rather than with others. However, we do guarantee that all dogs staying in condos do receive a minimum of three walks per day to ensure that their required levels of exercise are being met.
Call Abilene Animal Hospital Today
If you like to vacation close to home, then it is feasible that your dog could also come along for the ride. However, if your vacation requires a flight overseas or across the country, then this is far less likely. In this case, why not let our fully certified pet professionals provide a loving and nurturing temporary home for your dog. Our team loves nothing more than meeting a new dog and integrating him or her into our dog hotel. We guarantee that they will be pampered and will receive the utmost attention while with us. So, why settle for second best when the number one pet company in Abilene is right here on your doorstep. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.